Joel Cuevas

Release Early, Release Often

Reading: 1 minute — Updated on: 2024

Encouraging early and frequent releases—whether of ideas, projects, or products—ensures that feedback flows constantly. This approach isn't about seeking perfection from the start; it's about refining your work based on real-world insights. By sharing progress early, you open the door to valuable input, allowing your team to adjust and improve continuously.

As a leader, creating a safe space for experimentation is crucial. When your team knows they can take risks without fear of failure, they're more likely to innovate and push boundaries. Each mistake becomes a stepping stone to success, turning setbacks into opportunities for learning and growth.

Frequent, small updates help maintain momentum by breaking challenges into manageable pieces. Rather than allowing issues to accumulate into overwhelming barriers, your team can tackle them step by step, continuously moving forward. This approach not only leads to a more refined final outcome but also builds resilience and confidence, reinforcing a steady rhythm of progress.

Shifting the focus from delivering a "perfect" result to delivering value changes the game. It's not about avoiding mistakes but about moving forward with purpose. By prioritizing value over flawlessness, you ensure that your team's efforts are always aligned with what truly matters—creating something that makes a difference.

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