Joel Cuevas

Perception is Reality

Reading: 1 minute — Updated on: 2024

On your best day, you probably feel pretty confident about who you are. You might think you're a caring friend, a hardworking employee, or a creative thinker. But here's the tricky part: no matter how much you believe those things, they're only true if others see them too. People judge us based on what we do, not what we think of ourselves. Your actions, not your inner thoughts, define your reality in the eyes of others. That's why self-awareness matters.

Our perception of ourselves is important for building self-confidence, but it's how we behave and interact with others that really shapes how we're seen. If you think of yourself as kind but never take the time to listen to others, are you really as kind as you think? If you consider yourself hardworking but never deliver on your promises, does that effort still count? In the end, what we do has more power than what we think. It's actions, not intentions, that create the version of us that others interact with daily.

There are no facts, only interpretations. Friedrich Nietzsche

But does that mean you should live your life constantly worried about how you're perceived? Absolutely not.

It's easy to fall into the trap of constantly managing your image, but obsessing over every possible perception will only lead to frustration. Instead, the key is balance. Be mindful of how your actions align with the person you want to be, but don't let others' opinions define your worth. You can't control everyone's perception, and trying to will only drain you. It's about being intentional with your actions while letting go of the need to control every narrative.

When you realize that others see you through your actions, it's an opportunity to ask yourself: Am I living in line with the values I care about? Am I being the person I want to be, or just thinking about it? The real you isn't trapped in your head; it's out there in the world, in your behavior, your words, and your relationships. And the beauty of that is—you always have the power to align the two.

Further Readings Who are you, really?

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